Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Billboard Project


The Billboard project was a fun project. The project was combined with the magazine ad so I used the same company, AntlerShed. So lets see some thumbs I have put together. 



So I have got it narrowed down to two designs I like and see potential in. The target audience I am trying to reach is people who enjoy the outdoors. Whether that is people who enjoy hunting, fishing, or just being outdoors. The name says a lot, but with adding the "Need Huntin' Gear" I think that will really draw attention from hunters a like.   The project specifications consist of dimensions that include a height of 400 x a width of 1400 pixels @ 72ppi in RGB Mode. So enough about all the specs, lets take a look at the final Billboard Ad. 

Final Design

I hope you all enjoyed the final design. Also I wanted to let you know that AntlerShed is a real company and can be found on facebook. Its not just hunting stuff. They also offer design, photography, and videography to help you capture or remember that special event.

I accept all rights to the design of this billboard.

Devin Greenwood

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