Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chapters 4 & 5

Chapters 4 & 5

Have you ever wondered what file formats are best for printing?

Well I can tell you the three most common are jpeg, gif, and tif files. These files allow for many different functions. But the most common used format would be jpeg. Jpeg is standard on many cameras and every printer that prints pictures accepts jpeg. If you want to print Graphics though I would recommend using TIF or GIF file formats. I say this because Jpeg will compress your art or graphics, whereas TIF and GIF formats will not.

What File Formats to not use when printing?

File formats that don’t work for printing include RAW format and also PSD format, which is a Photoshop file. A RAW file is a file that contains only slightly processed data, which means these images are not ready for print. A RAW file must be brought into editing software, like Photoshop to adjust the format before it can be printed.


When it comes to shooting pictures many photographers including myself prefer using RAW format compared to JPEG. The reason for this is because RAW format allows you to alter the image and allows for more edits after the picture has been taking. JPEG on the other hand does have its benefits also. When using JPEG, it allows you to take pictures without using as much file space, which can be beneficial in some situations. Also JPEG can be ready for print as soon as the image is taking, whereas RAW must be edited and then compressed to a JPEG or TIFF. The reason I prefer RAW is because to me it makes for much better picture in the end. Yes a little more work, but in the end it is well worth it.

What is ppi Resolution?

You may wonder what does “ppi” stand for. It stands for pixels per inch, which is very important when it comes to printing. For a picture or graphic to be printed with a high resolution one must print with what is called a 300 ppi. This allows the graphic or image to be exported with the best resolution possible. When it comes to the Internet on the other hand many graphics and images are only at 72 ppi. This means that if you try to enlarge that graphic or image, which is set at such low resolution the image will get blurrier or pixelated compared to if it was set for 300 ppi. This being said the higher the ppi the better the resolution will be.

Bitmap Images

Bitmap is a format that is commonly used with raster graphics. In Bitmap images the format allows for color data to be stored for each pixel in the image without any compression, unlike the JPEG or GIF formats. With that being said both JPEG and GIF formats are both bitmaps, but both use image compression.


When it comes to cropping and rotating your images for your final project it is best that this is done before they are added to the file. You want the images to be close to the dimensions they will be in the final project. With this being done ahead of time it helps to eliminate any unwanted errors in the final project. This is just a quick tip that could save you from having any problems in the end.
Transparency Tip

Transparency of a graphic or image is something that can really make a project look good, but it’s also something that can make or break you when it comes time to be printed. The transparency is something that needs to be flattened into the image. This needs to be done so the transparency is no longer “live”, which just means it cannot be altered any longer. Also another quick tip dealing with transparency is always keep in mind that what you see on your computer screen maybe different than what the printer prints off. All I mean by this is if the transparency looks perfect on your computer it may look lighter or darker when it is finally printed off.

Vector Graphics

When it comes to working with vector graphics it is great because they are called independent, which means these graphics can be made larger or smaller without losing any detail. There is always a place for vector graphics, but keep in mind raster graphics work well also.

Vector File Formats

Ok say you have a vector graphic, but now you need to know what file format you should save it as. Well the answer to that question is you need to save it as an EPS, Native File Format, or as an Adobe PDF file. This will allow for the best possible results when it comes to printing you project.

Embedding Fonts

You must embed fonts to make sure that your PDF can be seen on other computers with the same fonts that you used on your original project. Embedding your fonts have a number of benefits, whether it is just rotating the text or having the person on the other end making changes to your PDF even if they didn’t have your font on their computer.

Outlining Text

Outlining text helps to eliminate the possibility that a font that was embedded becoming un-embedded. Also it highlights all text that will be outlined if involved in transparency or because Convert All Text To Outlines is selected.

Simplify paths

The reasoning for simplifying paths is to create a graphic that has less paths so the graphic isn’t “choppy” looking. Simplifying makes for a more professional graphic.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Self Promotion Notepad

Self Promotion Notepad

Notepad Thumbnails

In this task I just sketched out some different designs that came to mind. A little time consuming, but in the long run it is the best way to go. It helps get you pointed in the right direction on your task that is at hand.

Notepad Rough
This is the layout I chose. I sketched out the design on a 5x7 with bleed marks. The bleed marks are set to 1/8", which is shown below with dashed marks. However the design I picked only contained one bleed, which is located at the bottom of the film strip.

Now time to go to Illustrator and make this sketch come to life. Check back soon to see the final project.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

QR Code

QR Code Research

What is a QR code?

QR is short for Quick Response, which is exactly what a QR code does. It allows you to connect to a certain web page, blog, or video in a matter of seconds on your phone using a QR scanner app. An interesting fact is the QR code came to us from Japan where they are very common.

How to Generate:

Generating your own QR code has become really easy. The world wide web has many “terrific sites” that allow you to make your own QR code, but the best website I found for making a QR code was http://60secondmarketer.com/blog/2011/01/28/qr-code-generator/
Once you reach the site you can find the generator on the bottom right hand side of this page, where you will see a box that says “Generate Your Own QR Code Now.”

How to Track Your QR Code:

So say you have a QR code, but want to see how many people visit your site because of your QR code. Well I have the answer for you right now.

Why use a QR code?

By using a QR code one may make it easy for viewers to access their website in a matter of seconds. QR codes are the next best thing because it allows the viewers to simply scan the code and be connected to the website. Where as before QR codes the viewers would have to search for the website or type the web address in.

Now that we have covered the basics of QR Codes here is a short video on the usage of QR codes. 




What is the Purpose of Preflight?

To make sure your project is going to run smoothly one must preflight. To preflight your project you must make sure there are no technical difficulties, which would cause problems when send off to the printer.


Preflight Check List:

Job Description:

A Preflight Technician is one that loads the customer’s files onto what is called a Pre-Press file server. Which then is checked for probable problems. The technician also communicates directly with the customer to work out any errors that is found.


Salary Range:

Prepress Preflight supervisor can earn between $39,902 and $60,385, and also an electronic prepress preflight technician operator can earn between $34,394 and $50,820.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hello Blogger World!...This is my first ever blog so hang tight for more exciting blogs to come.